
Before we set sail to Hooded Apes, we will focus on expanding the community, documentation, and excitement around the project. This includes curating Discord, giveaways, detailed documentation, and website upgrades.

Phase II — Hooded NFTs and $CHEST (in progress)

Hooded Apes NFTs and $CHEST play a pivotal role in the development of Hooded Creator. Funds generated from the NFT sales and IDO will go towards providing liquidity to the Treasure Island metaworld, seeding development efforts, and establishing the DeFi Sea Council (DSC).

The NFT mint will occur on Jan 29th.

The $CHEST IDO date will be announced soon.

Phase III —Hooded Apes Core Components

Release of the main Hooded Apes map, with a functional interface for yield-generating chests, NFT Marketplace, DEX integration, LP staking, and yield farming.

Pirate NFTs will be usable for various in-game functionalities and quests, including but not limited to, earning additional yield, accumulating stats, battles/ raids(phase VI).

Phase V — Sea Exploration, Ships, and Land conquering

Users will be able to set sail across the treacherous DeFi Sea on the lookout for rare treasure-bearing land, which they can either loot for treasures, or settle down and develop as real estate. The Real Estate agency will also open for users to buy, sell and trade islands.

The Shipyard will also open, where they can buy, sell, upgrade and trade their ships. Each ship will also have its own stats, and allow players to accomplish unique quests.

Users will need to fight off other Hooded, protect their home islands, build shelter, repair their ships, and more. Users will be able to investigate dangerous caves, or explore dangerous lands, and fight off hostile enemies.

Phase VII — PVP and Confederations

Users will be able engage into battles with other players, for the chance to earn additional loot and yield. Groups of people will also be able to form confederations to pool their resources together and become stronger in the metaworld.

Last updated